邮件第一步:问候语 Greeting
一般最常使用的是Dear (收信人姓名)。如果是寄信给长辈或领导、客户,加上称谓会比较正式,平级同事或合作伙伴直接写名字即可。当遇到收信人不确定的时候,比如转寄给某项目的相关人员,可以用:
- To whom it may concern
- Dear Sir or Madam,
邮件第二步:告知目的 Purpose
- I am writing to inquire … 写信来询问有关 …
- I am writing in reference to …这封信是关于 …
- Thank you for reaching out to us regarding … 感谢您联络我们 … (回信的开头)
In reference to 和 regarding 是“有关”“关于”的意思。
口语:I’m talking about the meeting scheduled for next week. 正式:I am writing in reference to the meeting scheduled for next week. 正式:I am writing to you regarding the possibility of scheduling a meeting for next week.
这里in reference to与regarding的一点点不同在于,in reference to用于已经跟对方提到过的事而regarding的用法比较广泛。
邮件第三步:正文 Content
- Please review the attached documents thoroughly. 请仔细查阅附件。
- I have attached the previously mentioned documents for your review. 上述所提文件已附在文章附件请查阅。
- Please see the attached documents for a quotation of the requested services. 请参阅附件内的服务相关报价。
邮件第四步:结尾 Closing
- If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me. 如果您有任何问题欢迎随时沟通。
- Thank you for your time and consideration. 感谢您的宝贵时间。
- I look forward to hearing from you. 盼望你的回复。
邮件第五步:结尾敬语&签名 Sign off and signature
- Sincerely,
- Yours sincerely,
- Respectfully,
- Best regards,
Sincerely, (Name) (Position) (Company) (Contact Number)